One of the things we hear when folks want to come in and experience Pegasus Pizza and Pasta is that it’s difficult to find affordable parking here in the West Seattle Junction. We hear you and we have a solution that will make your experience at Pegasus Pizza is as stress-free and easy as possible. Starting November 1st, 2024 Pegasus Pizza and Pasta will be offering parking “validation” when parking in the public parking lot right behind the restaurant! Here are the details:

1. Head to the parking lot at 4501 42nd Ave SW, Seattle WA, 98116
2. Pay with required app (HONK)
3. When paying for your bill, ask the server for “Pegasus VIP Parking Validation”
4. Come in and have the best lunch or dinner you have ever had.
5. After, show the receipt showing day and time to your server
6. Pegasus Pizza will remove 2 hours of parking fees off your lunch/dinner bill over $20. (MAX amount $10)
It’s that easy! Now, the lack of/price of parking in the West Seattle Junction is no longer a reason to stay at home! Get out! Experience our beautiful restaurant and top-notch service! It’s not just pizza…it’s an experience!